
埼玉大学 人文社会科学研究科 牧陽一の授業内容です。表紙は沢野ひとしさんの中国語スタンプです。


"You know, sometimes they actually tried to make my conditions better," he says quietly, almost to himself."Once, after two days I couldn't shit.Normally, every day I shit.Regularly.I go to the toilet every day.I said, 'I need a banana.'They gave me a banana but it was totally black.I joked:'It must be from the Beijing Cave.'You know:Beijing has a cave with fossils of monkeys that are supposed to have evolved into human beings.It's called Beijing Cave.These are the earliest signs of Chinese people.He laughed and said, 'I'm sorry we don't have any more bananas.This is the only banana we have left.'But after that he started to routinely bring me bananas and oranges."
後期初日:中国語 7課 88pまですすみました。宿題は復習。
修士学部 研究基礎 院生 研究の進み具合 学部生 関心のある事について ワタス 北京出張おおかた
博士 原稿の依頼 ファックオフ2について
研究法 概要